It is never a question of “what should I do?” It is “what can I put off till another day so I can do the things I really need to do?” Am I sitting here doing the thing I really need to do,,, nope! But I am enjoying myself and that is a...
Warmth... please!
Momma Rock
- 3/14/2010 08:06:00 AM
Finally, the last few days have been warm, or I should say NOT COLD. Makes me long for the summer. We have had snow and rain so much that the horses stalls are solid muddy manure and trying to get through them is oh so much fun! LOL I am one that would...
Home again...
Momma Rock
- 3/04/2010 10:05:00 AM
I cannot stand this cough, but since I have to be home, I get to play in my favorite spot on the web, DeviantArt of course!! I must confess, I spent way too long trying to make an avatar for myself to use there in my identity. Seems that everything I came up...
Momma Rock
- 3/03/2010 01:11:00 PM
So, I am off today because I am sick. I have a super bad cough. The kind that makes you puke cause you are counghing so hard.I did go to the doc yesterday, she gave me cough syrup with codeine in it so I can sleep at night. And Albutirol to help catch...
I knew it would happen...
Momma Rock
- 3/01/2010 05:50:00 PM
I found something to go hog wild with. I have mentioned before that I am into doing graphics for my webpages... well, now there is a site that I am so addicted to called deviantArt where I can share all my graphics and get so many other ideas for new graphics. I am...
Y'all Come Back Soon.
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