
by - 6/26/2015 09:24:00 PM
I am a list maker that doesn’t get to do very much of the things on my lists done… but the list continues to grow. I could even try to do this… and add things each day, but darn it… the list would just be way too long. I am addicted to watching...

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Not sleeping?

by - 10/15/2014 02:24:00 AM
I don't know why I have insomnia. Seems it started out cause I have this slight cough that is bugging me, which actually started to come about over this past weekend. I have this pressure in my chest also. I know this pressure, it is stress. So......  I hope to relax here, by...

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I want... it's all about me !

by - 9/12/2014 12:37:00 AM
I want to write in my blog more! As you can tell it has been months since I came here. I suppose I found , I mean.. I know I found other things that can take up my time. I also want to be witty, funny, organised, full of energy, more kind to everyone....

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29 things....

by - 6/14/2013 09:04:00 AM
Random things about me... I hate shopping… any kind of shopping when it is for myself! (see#11 below). I happen to prefer strawberry anything, soda, lotion, candles, etc, even though as a youngster I was nicknamed strawberry shortcake and hated the word strawberry because of it.. I don't like the taste of coffee...

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What have I got to say, it's been too long since I've been here...

by - 4/12/2013 09:37:00 AM
Let's get some updates in! For those of you that so kindly read what I ramble about , here goes… I am on a water fast!  It is supposed to help cleanse the body. I started it Monday evening at 6pm. It is now almost 9am Friday , and I am still on...

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